I would like to take this opportunity to wish all my clients, friends and network a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. I hope, unlike me that you will be getting a break. I will be on deck and taking consultations and short assignments during that time.

Why the Christmas break is a great time for a business review.


Working on Xmas - Nixon Clarity Blogs

The Christmas break can be a great time for leaders to challenge their business. Most leaders take a couple of weeks off and need to unwind the mind. One of the best ways to do this is to take a few hours or a day, early in the break and do an end of year review. Why Christmas is the best time to do a business review.

Recent Articles

Australian Financial Review Article

It was great to be featured in the Australian Financial Review in September this year with my article “Does your Business need a visit to the Doctor?” The article addressed the need to monitor the vital signs of your business and what you need to do to ensure you ongoing business growth. Know more about Nixon Clarity

Growth Periods Can Breed Inefficiencies in SMEs

Growth vs Productivity - Nixon Clarity Blogs
It’s a bit ironic, but growth phases can carry a dangerous potential when it comes to the long-term health of a company. When everything is going very well in the moment, it’s not hard to find yourself trying to keep the present momentum going, even when you know there are areas that must be improved upon. Read more about it

Icebergs and Boats don’t mix!

On a more personal note every year for the past 11 years I have celebrated surviving my ship sinking in Antarctica. Yes, it did hit an iceberg, and no there were no lives lost.  That’s me in the blue (Apparently, I didn’t get the memo on what to wear whilst abandoning ship.) Icebergs and boats don’t mix.

Planning Workshops

I am currently planning a series of business planning sessions to ensure your business growth through 2019. These workshops will be held across Sydney, Brisbane, and Melbourne. The key outcome of the workshops will be to undertake;

  • A review of your 2018 Business Performance
  • A health check on your Business
  • The establishment of a 2018 Business Growth Plan

The full-day workshops will be fully interactive and you can attend by yourself, your business partner or a team of employees. You will leave the workshop both with the review of your business and a plan for the way forward.

The first workshop will be held in Sydney on the 29th January 2018, at the Australian Institute of Company Directors. Further information on Eventbrite link below.



Whilst I work individually with clients on their business clarity and growth, I also through my company offer a wide range of business support services.  Some of these include;

  • Business and Project Facilitation
  • Strategic Planning, Workshops and Implementation
  • Event Management and Inbound Corporate Tourism
  • Organisational Secretaire Services (Event, Members, Brand and Support Services)
  • Establishment of Start-Up Companies

Reach out today and see how we can assist you. The www.nixonclarity.com website can give you more information.

Free Book Offer – Growing Up! Unleash Your Business Growth

As you might know my book “Growing Up! Unleash Your Business Growth ” is hot off the press! Its aimed at Founders, Managing Directors and CEO’s of successful business experiencing growth roadblocks.

If this is you, as a Christmas present, I’d love to offer you a FREE copy. (BTW it’s a real book, with paper and all) This easy-to-read book provides stories based on my observations and years of experience, research, and insights into companies that are experiencing growth roadblocks.

To receive your FREE copy of “Growing Up! Unleash Your Business Growth” click here:

Enter your postal details and a book will be on its way to you shortly!

If you read the book and it connects with you, I will be offering free consultations across January 2019 to help your business grow.

This newsletter was provided by David Nixon of NixonClarity 22 200 Goulburn Street Surry Hills NSW

Contact me today on 1300 432 300 or david@nixonclarity.com

(c) Copyright 2018 NixonClarity ABN: 24 119 220 085