When was the last time you undertook a business health check?
This is an important tool for large businesses, business units, and even small businesses. A business health check-up allows you to focus on working on the business, as opposed to working in the business.
The key areas covered in a business health check normally include:
- Business Model Mapping
- Defining business proposition
- 2018 Successes
- Key industry issues
- TOWS assessment
- Business systems health
- Environmental trends
- 2019 objectives and initiatives
- Key success factors
A Recent Workshop
I recently presented a breakfast workshop about business health for a local business chamber. Usually, these workshops for business and business groups are spread out over a four-hour period which ensures everyone gains an in-depth assessment of their business.
This breakfast session was done in only 40 minutes with great feedback from the participants. It succeeded in getting the participants’ thought processes moving and is a worthwhile activity for teams in large organisations as well as entire smaller organisations.
David P. Nixon is Australia’s Authority on Unleashing Growth Barriers for SMEs.