Over the weekend I caught up with a good friend who told me he’d just resigned to seek better opportunities. When he told his current employer, a medium-sized business, they were devastated.

They told him that he was part of their succession plan. And how disappointed they were that he hadn’t talked to them before accepting a new position.

In my new book, I talk about a previous employer, where I had to develop a regional plan. I was advised one of the Executives had prepared a similar plan previously. When I asked him for a copy, he opened his draw, where he had 30 copies sitting.

I asked the stupid question, “Why so many?” He replied, “We didn’t give them to anyone as we didn’t want competitors to get a copy.” Unsurprisingly, the targets of that plan were never met.


Communication of strategy is just as important as developing it in the first place. My friend’s employer needed to communicate with him as to their plans. Unless you communicate your plans with your staff, suppliers and customers you will be disappointed every time.

Communication - Nixon Clarity Blogs

If you are interested in improving your ability to communicate with your employees, check out my business advisory services here.

I have just published a book “Growing Up – Unleash Your Business Growth” aimed at Business Owners who have a passion and vision for Business Growth. If you manage a medium-size business, are battling with growth roadblocks and have a passion to change I am happy to send you a copy of my book free of charge. (yes it is a real book, not an ebook). Just follow the link at


David Nixon is Director, Advisor, Author and Entrepreneur and recognised as Australia’s Authority on Unleashing Growth Barriers For SME’s.